Video: Tips to Relieve Tingling and Doctor's Advice If It's Even worse
Jakarta, Although often considered trivial, the tingling is not lost-disturbing is very disturbing comfort. Even if the complaint is getting worse, it is not possible to be a sign of serious problems in the nervous system. According to Dr. Frandy Susatia, SpS from RS Siloam Kebon Jeruk, tingling generally indicates a problem with the nerves or vascular disorders. The presence of nerves that are pinched or the blood flow is not smooth, can be pemicunya.Jika indeed because there are nerves pinched, we can shake-woy to blood more road, Dr. Frandy advice in conversation with detikHealth recently.
Photo: 20sec
Video: Stroke Lightweight, Can Heal Total? Usually, the complaint will disappear by itself. But under certain conditions, the tingling can not be lost and even permanent. Tingling like this, according to Dr. Frandy should be immediately consulted to a neurologist specialist. Sometimes accompanied by a sense of numbness or no taste at all. This is a sign that tingling is a sign of a serious nervous breakdown, he said. Then what should be known about tingling? In this Healthy Discussion video, dr Frandy will peel it thoroughly.
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